بسم الله . . وعلى بركة الله //
كل قنوات العالم // من الشرق للغرب . . عندنا بهالموضوع
عندك استفسار ؟ عندك مشكلة ؟ صحنك يمرش ؟ رسيفرك مخبط ؟
كل مصايب و بلاوي التلفزيون من الرسيفر مروراًُ بالسلك وصولاً بالراس // هالموضوع خاص بوه و بحوستوه
تردد جميع القنوات في ملف واحد :
اضغط هناNilesat 101-102 / Atlantic Bird 4 @ 7° West
Freq Pol Mode: 10758 V
SR-FEC: 27500
(الحكايات TV + الاثير + بيتي TV + روتانا كليب + روتانا طرب+ المجد الحديث النبوي + APU TV + الصحه TV )
باقت اوربت:
Freq Pol Mode: 10873 V
SR-FEC: 27500
History - Cinema 1-2 - BBC Prime
Hollywood - Sky News Int
The Arabic Series Channel
The Arabic Series Channel +4
The Fun Channel - Al Yawm - Al Safwah
CNN Int - Disney Channel M.E
Super Movies - Super Movies +1 - Cinema City
Freq Pol Mode: 10911 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( المستقله + البحرين + Escape Music Channel + TIS TV promo + زواج TV + Arab Tourism Channe + المدينه + العوم TV + الفلسطينيه + الفيحاء + دنيا TV )
Freq Pol Mode: 10930 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( البابليه + العرب TV )
Freq Pol Mode: 11747 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( الفجر + ABC + الزوراء + المناره + صلاح الدين + الصحه و السكان + بلادي + الفرات + تميم + هدى + ابوظبي + الواسطه )
Freq Pol Mode: 11766 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( الرساله + روتانا سينما + الحره عراق + نيل TV + المرايا + المنوعه + الراي + BBC World + الهدايه + المشكاة )
Freq Pol Mode: 11785 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( ميوزك بلس + One TV + دبي الرياضيه + سما دبي + دبي + شارقه + سبيس تون ( عربيه ) + نجوم + CNBC Arabiya + الشرقيه + الاقتصاديه )
Freq Pol Mode: 11823 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( الحره + فلسطين + المغربيه + سودان + عُمان + بحيرن + كويت + سوريا + المحور + الثريا + كويت2 + كويت 3 + الحوار)
Freq Pol Mode: 11842 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( مصر + فاشيون ( عربيه ) + النيل الاخبار + النيل العائله + النيل دراما + النيل الرياضيه + نيل الطبيعه + التنوير + فنون + دريم2 + سواليف + ART الذكر )
Freq Pol Mode: 11862 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( الجزيره الرياضيه+1 + الجزيره الرياضيه+2 + الواحه + المستقبل + نجوم3 + TXT + شات كوم)
Freq Pol Mode:11900 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( المجد الفضائيه + Thane Xpress Shop + دريم1 + كويت + TV5 + ميلودي هيتس + شهرزاد +DW TV (عربيه) + مزيكا + اينترتايمينت + مزيكا زوم + سهم )
Freq Pol Mode:11919 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( الكوثر + اليمن + السهم + العراقيه + فلاش + الرافدين + سبيسي + آشور + بغداد + البغدادي + الناس + واسطة الخير + قناتي )
Freq Pol Mode:11938 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( العربيه + MBC1 + MBC2 + MBC3+ MBC4 + حواس TV + العقاريه + Zee Arabiya )
Freq Pol Mode:11977 V
SR-FEC: 27500
(Home Cinema 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 -
Freq Pol Mode:112015 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( الجزيره ( ENG ) + ايرونيوز + الاماره + ميلودي ( عربيه ) + سمايل + سترايك + M Maroc + سبيستون (ENG) + الشبابيه + Misr Tourist + دندنه + العفاسي )
Freq Pol Mode:12034 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( art تينز + الواسطا + الاردنيه + تلفزيون المستقبل + الجزيره + ميلودي افلام )
Freq Pol Mode:112054 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( روتانا زمان + زواج + ميوزك شانل + تسليه + ابوظبي الرياضيه + Hi TV + اصول + الانوار + الخليج + العالم + المجد ( القران الكريم ) + حنيبعل + الكأس + مرح )
Freq Pol Mode:12130 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( NBN + هيى _ تلفزين الجديد + المنار + LBC + روتانا موسيقى + روتانا كليب + روتانا طرب + روتانا خليجيه + السومريه )
Freq Pol Mode:12149 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( السعوديه الاولى + السعوديه الثانيه + الرياضيه + الاخباريه + السعوديه موسيقى )
Freq Pol Mode:12207 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( قطوف + روتانا طرب + روتانا كليب + انغام + الزعيم + فرنسا 24 ( ENG) + الرياضي + الدانه + واو + العقاريه3 + نسمه )
Freq Pol Mode:12226 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( عجمان + إنفينتي + ANB + جيار ون + نجوم الخليج + Arabian Travel + الديره + الجماهيريه + اوتار + فواصل + ليبرا + نجوم القصيد + بروز )
Freq Pol Mode:12283 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( الجزيره الرياضيه1 + الجزيره الرياضيه2 + الجزيره الرياضيه+1 + الجزيره الرياضيه+2 + الجزيره الرياضه الاسيويه2 + الجزيره الرياضيه الاسيويه3 + الجزيره مباشر + الجزيره الاطفال )
Freq Pol Mode:12303 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( ART المناسبات + سمارت واي + الديار + الحقيقه + نورمينا + LBC اوربا + Seven Stars + الشبابيه )
Freq Pol Mode:12341 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( الآن _ اغاني + DM TV + اسيا + سبيستون (ENG) + سماكم + فتافيت + مش ميوزك ( عربيه ) )
Freq Pol Mode:12360 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( نهرين + جماهيريه + العراقيه سبورت + النادي + الكوفه + السلام + RitMo + Al Qiethara + ليبيا سبورت + سماش + بنوراما + الخليجيه + التواصل )
Freq Pol Mode: 10971 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( الجزيره الرياضيه + الجزيره الاخباريه + الجزيره مباشره + الجزيره(ENG) + الجزيره الرياضيه1 + الجزيره الاطفال + القطريه + الكأس )
Freq Pol Mode: 11013 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( كويت3 + كويت2 + كويت بلس + كويت الرياضيه + الجيزى + الاقصى + الحكمه + الحره + شبابيه)
Freq Pol Mode: 11054 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( سوبر كوميديا + الرياضيه + الجزيره الرياضيه+1 + الجزيره الرياضيه+2 + اوربت + مرحبا )
Freq Pol Mode: 11075 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( البوادي + ليالينا )
Freq Pol Mode: 11585 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( هدى + الوطن العربي + تلفزين الجديد + Escape Music + زوجتي + الاقصى + الفلسطينيه + البحرين )
Freq Pol Mode: 11604 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( EuroNews + المدينه + العوم )
Freq Pol Mode: 11623 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( الفيحاء + Zaol TV + دنيا )
Freq Pol Mode: 11642v
SR-FEC: 27500
( العربيه + MBC 1 + MBC 4 + MBC 2 + MBC 3 + TXT + Chatcom TV )
Freq Pol Mode: 11661V
SR-FEC: 27500
( دبي + One TV + سمادبي + الحره + العالم + الحره العراق + الراي + مرسال + الثريا + KBS World + CNBC Arabiya )
Freq Pol Mode: 11746 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( حنيبعل + السعوديه الاولى + الكويت + الجماهيريه + السودان + المجد الفضائيه + عُمان + العراقيه + TV5 + شهرزاد )
Freq Pol Mode: 11785 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( المنار + قناة المستقبل + LBC + نغم + جرس + NBN + الغنوه + سترايك + Escape Music + Thane Xpress + Fashion + كنوز + تلفزيون لبنان )
Freq Pol Mode: 11842 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( البحرين + بحرين55 + البحرين الرياضيه + روتانا موسيقى + روتانا كليب + روتانا خليجيه + روتاناطرب + روتانا سينما + روتانا زمان + الرساله )
Freq Pol Mode: 11842 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( ابوظبي + دربي + جده + امارات + ابوظبي اوربا + ابوظبي الرياضيه + الجزيره الاطفال + قمر + عُمان + BBC World )
Freq Pol Mode: 11938 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( سوريا + المستقله + اليمن + تونس7 + النادي + الجزيره + الجزائر + الاردنيه + يو مارك + القاسم + سوبرتش + عراق )
Freq Pol Mode: 11958 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( فرنسا24 + الاماره + شام + واصطه الخير + دي جي موسيقا + العائله + نسمه )
Freq Pol Mode: 12010 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( السعوديه الاولى + السعوديه الثانيه + الرياضيه + الاخباريه + سعودي ميوزك )
Freq Pol Mode: 12073 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( بلادي + الرافدين + آشور + البغداديه + الديار + عشتار + النهرين + السلام + المسار + كردستان )
Freq Pol Mode: 12092 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( اليمن + تونس + حنيبعل + e TV + الحره + الحره عراق + TV5 )
Freq Pol Mode: 12520 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( الفجر + شام + القطريه + دي جي موسيقا + واسطة الخير + الحقيقه + المربد + الواسطه + اوصول + ETV + Family + صحتك + المجد قران + فلسطين )
Freq Pol Mode: 12597 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( مؤشرات + الشرقيه + إنفينيتي + العقاريه + الآن + اهل البيت + الاقتصاديه )
Astra 1E 1F 1G 1H 2C 1KR
الجزء الأول:
freq pol mode:10714 H
( KiKa + Primetime )
freq pol mode:10729 V
( Das Vierte )
freq pol mode:10744 H
( CNBC Germany + Voyages + TV Shop Deutschland )
freq pol mode:10759 V
( QVC Germany )
freq pol mode:10773 H
( SuperStacja )
freq pol mode:10788 V
(Cartoon Network + Taquilla 1-2-3-4-XY + Boomerang Espa?a + La Sexta)
freq pol mode:10818 V
( Cinemania + Cinemania 2 + D Cine + Canal Cocina + Fox + AXN + TVE 1 + Sci + Fi Spain )
freq pol mode:10832 H
( Bibel TV + TV TRWAM + T TV + SportsWin TV + TV ?cko + CZ + Top TV + Eurotic TV + RTBF Sat )
freq pol mode:10832 H
( +Gu?a Digital+ -- Digital)
freq pol mode:10847 V
( TV Polonia + TVP Kultura + TVP 3 Regionalna + TVP Sport + TVP Historia test card )
freq pol mode:10876 V
( Digital +
40 Latino - Golf + - Canal + 30
Playboy TV Iberia - National Geographic
Fox News Ch - Canal + Deporte 2
Canal+ Mondiale 24 )
freq pol mode:10891 H
( Südwest Fernsehen Rheinland-Pfalz )
freq pol mode:10906 V
( HSE 24 )
freq pol mode:10921 H
( UPC Direct
Cartoon Network Central Europe / TCM
Viasat 3 - Boomerang
Viasat Explorer East - Viasat History
STV 1 - TA 3 / Ring TV - MGM C.E
BBC Prime - Blue Hustler + Travel Channel UK )
freq pol mode:10936 V
( Neun Live )
freq pol mode:10964H
( ZDF )
freq pol mode:10979 V
( Digital +
Clan TVE / TVE 50 a?os - Cinemania Cable
Canal Clasico - 24 Horas - Cinemania...30
TL Novelas Europa - El Corte Ingles
Canal Hollywood - Canal de Historia
Cuatro - Eurosport )
freq pol mode:10995 H
( Arte Deutsch )
freq pol mode:11009 V
( Phoenix )
freq pol mode:11024 H
( Astro TV )
freq pol mode:11038V
( Digital +
Canal + Espana - Disney Ch - Sportmania
40 TV - Discovery Ch - Docu TVE
Canal + 2 - Tele Deporte )
freq pol mode:11053 H
( WDR Fernsehen Sat )
freq pol mode:11068 V
(HR Fernsehen )
freq pol mode:11082 H
( BR Alpha )
freq pol mode:11097 V
( Digital +
Taquilla XX - X - X - 5-6-7-8
Canal Barça - Canal + Deporte 3 )
freq pol mode:11112 H
( MDR Fernsehen )
freq pol mode:11127 H
( Viva )
freq pol mode:11141 H
( Bayerisches Fernsehen )
freq pol mode:11156V
( Digital +
People + Arts Iberia
Viajar - Paramount Comedy - Méteo
Caza y Pesca - Calle 13 - TVE 2
Cosmopolitan TV - Bloomberg TV Esp )
freq pol mode:11171H
( 1-2-3.TV )
freq pol mode:11186 V
( Sudwest Fernsehen Baden Wurttemberg )
freq pol mode:11214 H
( RTL 2 Deutschland )
freq pol mode:11229 V
( RTL Deutschland )
freq pol mode:11244 H
( RTL Shop )
freq pol mode:11259 V
( EuroSport Deutschland )
freq pol mode:11273 H
( Vox Deutschland )
freq pol mode:11303 H
( Viva Plus )
freq pol mode:11318 V
( Digital +
Documania - Jetix Espa?a
Disney Channel +1 - Playhouse Disney
Toon Disney - Canal + Cine 1-2-3
Intereconomia TV )
freq pol mode:11332 H
( Kabel 1 Deutschland )
freq pol mode:11347 V
( 3 Sat )
freq pol mode:11347 V
( Bloomberg TV )
freq pol mode:11377 V
( DMAX )
freq pol mode:11391 H
( Super RTL Deutschland )
freq pol mode:11406 V
( Pro 7 Deutschland )
freq pol mode:11421 H
( Nick Deutschland )
freq pol mode:11464 H
( Sonnenklar TV )
freq pol mode:11479 V
SR-FEC: 22000
( TV Rijnmond + TV Noord-Holland + Omrop Frysland Television + TV Noord + TV Drenthe + TVOost + TV Gelderland + Omroep Zeeland +Omroep Brabant Television )
freq pol mode:11494 H
( Das Erste )
freq pol mode:11509 V
SR-FEC: 22000
(Demain+ Télif TV + Real Madrid TV + Cubavision Internacional + BFM + Record Internacional Europa + Arirang TV World + Al Jazeera English )
freq pol mode:11538 V
SR-FEC: 22000
( Direct 8 + KTO TV Catholique + Alegria + France 24 Français promo + France 24 English promo )
freq pol mode:11553 H
( Tele 5 )
freq pol mode: 11568 V
( Canal Algérie + Al Masriya + RAI Uno + RTP Internacional M?e + TV 7 Satellite + Arte Français +Aljazeera Channel + TVE Internacional Europe + 2M Maroc )
freq pol mode:11582 H
( NDR Fernsehen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern )
freq pol mode:11597 V
SR-FEC: 22000
(RTM 1 Europe 2 + TRT int + DW TV + CNBC Europe + BBC World + TV 5 Monde Europe +Sky News International )
freq pol mode:11612 H
( MTV Germany )
freq pol mode:11627 H
( CNN Int Europe )
freq pol mode:11641 H
( N-TV )
freq pol mode:11656 V
( RBB Brandenburg )
freq pol mode:11670 H
( UPC Direct
H?r TV - M1 - AXN C.E - Cinemax C.E
RTL Klub - Spektrum Int - Sport Klub Hun
Film+ Czechia - TV 2 Hun - Sport 1 Cze )
freq pol mode:11686 V
( Digital +
CNN + - Cinemania Clasico
Factoria de Ficcion
Canal de las Estrellas Europa + TVC Internacional + Andalucia TV + ETB Sat + TeleMadrid Sat + TV de Galicia Europa )
freq pol mode:11720 H
( Premiere
Premiere Sport Portal - Premiere Filmfest
Premiere Filmclassics - Premiere Direkt 1
Premiere Sport 2
Premiere Direkt 4 +0.5, 3, 2
Premiere Nostalgie )
freq pol mode:11739 V
( Viacom
MTV Espa?a - MTV France - MTV Hits UK
MTV Base UK - VH1 Europe A
VH1 Classic Europe - MTV 2 Europe
Game One - Nickelodeon Espa?a
Nickelodeon France + Nickelodeon Espa?a )
freq pol mode:11758 H
( Premiere
Animal Planet Deutschland
Discovery Geschichte
Discovery Channel Deutschland
Focus Gesundheit - Junior
Beate-Uhse TV - Jetix Deutschland
Disney Channel Deutschland
Premiere Sport 1
Premiere Direkt 3 - 2 +0.5 )
freq pol mode:11778 V
Cartoon Network Fr - TCM France
TCM Espania - TVBS Europe + CNN International Europe + TCM France + TCM Espa?a )
freq pol mode:11798 H
( Premiere
Premiere 4-1-2-3
Premiere Serie - Premiere Krimi
Premiere Direkt 5
Premiere Direkt 1 +0.5 )
freq pol mode:11817 V
( CanalSat France
Seasons - Cinecinema Emotion - Frisson
Paris Premiere - Jimmy - Mezzo
La Chaine Meteo - Sport+ - I>Tele
Histoire + EuroNews )
freq pol mode:11836 H
( ARD Digital + Das Erste + Bayerisches Fernsehen Sat + HR Fernsehen + ARTE Deutsch + WDR Fernsehen K?ln _ BR Alpha + Südwest Fernsehen Baden-Württemberg + Phoenix )
freq pol mode:11836 H
( Das Erste + Bayerisches Fernsehen Sat + HR Fernsehen + ARTE Deutsch + WDR Fernsehen K?ln + BR Alpha + Südwest Fernsehen Baden-Württemberg + Phoenix )
freq pol mode:11856 V
( CanalSat France
Canal + France - Canal+ Decale
Canal + Cinéma France
Canal + High-Tech - Cinecinema Premier
Disney Ch - Canal + Sport - Equidia
Sci-Fi France )
freq pol mode:11895 V
( CanalSat France
Cinecinema Auteur - MCM France
MCM Pop - Fox Live - W9
Europe 2 TV - MCM Top - Fox Life
Du côté de chez vous )
freq pol mode:11876 H
( AliceSat + NetSystem ISP )
freq pol mode:11895 V
( CanalSat France
Cinecinema Auteur - MCM France
MCM Pop - Fox Live - W9
Europe 2 TV - MCM Top - Fox Life
Du côté de chez vous )
freq pol mode:11992 H
( UPC Direct
Echo TV - HBO2 - HBO Hun - HBO Cze
Duna TV - TV Paprika - Magyar ATV
Cool - TV Deko - Sport 1 Hun - M2
Minimax Czechia / Anime+ Czechia
Sport 2 - Film + Hun )
freq pol mode:12012 V
( CanalSat France
France 2 - France 3 Sat - RTL 9
Trace TV - Star Academy
Télé Mélody - Kiosque 1-11
ESPN Classic Sport France
Star Academy )
freq pol mode:12070 H
( Premiere
Premiere Start - Heimatkanal - Classica
Arena Home - Hit 24 - Premiere Direkt 1 +1
GoldStars - Blue Movie - Blue Movie Extra
Blue Movie Gay - Premiere Erotik 1-2 )
استرا المشفره
Freq Pol Mode: 11720 H
( Premiere Sport Portal + Premiere Filmfest + Premiere Filmclassics + Premiere Direkt 1 + Premiere Sport 2 + Premiere Direkt 4 +0.5 + Premiere Direkt 3 + Premiere Direkt 2 + Premiere Nostalgie )
Freq Pol Mode: 11758 H
( Animal Planet Deutschland + Discovery Geschichte + Discovery Channel Deutschland + Focus Gesundheit + Junior + Beate-Uhse TV (20-06 + Jetix Deutschland (06-20 + Disney Channel Deutschland + Premiere Sport 1 + Premiere Direkt 3 + Premiere Direkt 2 +0.5 )
Freq Pol Mode: 11798 H
( Premiere 4 + Premiere 1 + Premiere 2 + Premiere Serie + Premiere Krimi + Premiere 3 + Premiere Direkt 1 +0.5 + Premiere Direkt 5 )
Freq Pol Mode: 11913 H
( Premiere HD Film + Premiere Philips HD Sport + Discovery HD Deutschland )
Freq Pol Mode: 12032 H
( Premiere Direkt Portal + Premiere Win + Sci-Fi Deutschland + 13th Street + Premiere Direkt 5 +0.5 + Premiere Direkt 4 + Erotik Ab 18! promo + MGM Deutschland + Thema Live )
Freq Pol Mode: 12070 H
( Premiere Start + Heimatkanal + Classica + Arena Home + Hit 24 + Premiere Direkt 1 +1 + GoldStar TV + Blue Movie + Blue Movie Extra + Blue Movie Gay + Premiere Erotik 1 + Premiere Erotik 2 )
Freq Pol Mode: 12148 H
( Premiere Film + Premiere Austria )
Freq Pol Mode: 10956 V
SR-FEC: 5860
( Mobil Arena 1 + Mobil Arena 2 + Wap TV + Sevince Euro + Red + Europe + She + Max + Dem TV test )
Freq Pol Mode: 10962 V
SR-FEC: 3670
( Babe TV + Live + Süpriz TV + Mobile TV + Finest TV + Finest TV )
Freq Pol Mode: 10968 V
SR-FEC: 4557
( BRT 1 + -R- Bayrak Radio + -R- Bayrak Radio Int )
Freq Pol Mode: 11129 V
SR-FEC: 4268
( Flash TV )
Freq Pol Mode:11175 H
SR-FEC: 14400
( TRT 1 + TRT 3 + TRT 2 + TRT 4 )
Freq Pol Mode:11729 V
SR-FEC: 14400
( Jojo (04.10-21:30 + Intimacy (21.58-03.59 + Sinema Turk + Zone Reality UK + Lig TV + Elmax + iz TV + RetroMax + -R- Power Türk + -R- Power FM + -R- Masal Radyo )
Freq Pol Mode:11779 V
SR-FEC: 6250
( TGRT EU + Bir Diyar test + Manolya Mobil TV + -R- TGRT FM )
Freq Pol Mode:11804 V
SR-FEC: 24444
( CNN Türk + Dream + Euro D + BJK TV + Fenerbahçe TV + EuroStar + Fix TV + MMC + DHA + Dream Türk + Galatasaray TV promo + Power Türk TV + -R- CNN Türk Radyo + -R- Radyo D + -R- Slowtürk + R- Best FM + -R- Istanbul FM + -R- Radyo Time 91.2 + R- Power XL )
Freq Pol Mode:11852 V
SR-FEC: 4444
( Smart TV + Taraftar TV + Smart TV )
Freq Pol Mode:11874 V
SR-FEC: 3400
( Meltem TV + ?zlem TV + -R- Meltem Radyo + R- ilaç FM + -R- Medya FM )
Freq Pol Mode:11892 H
SR-FEC: 12800
( NTV Türkiye + CNBC-E + E2 test + NBA TV + -R- Radio N101 + -R- NTV Radyo + -R- Radyo Eksen + -R- Roket 877 )
Freq Pol Mode:11916 H
SR-FEC: 2000
( Sevince TV + Mobil Arena TV 1 + Mobil Arena TV 2 )
Freq Pol Mode:11919 V
SR-FEC: 24444
( TRT 1 + TRT 2 + TRT int + TRT 3 / TRT Gap + TRT 4 + R- TRT Radyo 1 + -R- TRT Radyo 3 + -R- TRT Radyo 4 + -R- TRT Radyo 2 (TRT FM) + -R- TRT Radyo Gap + -R- TRT Turist Radio + R- Voice of Turkey + -R- TSR + R- Meteor FM + -R- TSR 2 + -R- Voice of Turkey 3 + -R- Voice of Turkey 2 )
Freq Pol Mode:11970 H
SR-FEC: 17500
( NBA TV + Discovery Channel Turkey + Nickelodeon Europe + NTV Türkiye + CNBC-E 9 )
Freq Pol Mode:11996 V
SR-FEC: 26000
( TV On + TürkShow + Dügün TV + TürkShop + ?stanbul Channel + Mavi Karadeniz + Genç TV + Ordu TV (ORT) + Türkspor test + K?rm?z? + Tempo TV Giresun + Mozaik TV test + VRT : Vatan TV test + Trakya TV + Yol TV test + teleSPORT test + Olay Int test Gaziantep + Kanal 93 info card + Ask TV + Box TV + Cips TV + Chat TV + -R- ORT FM + -R- Olay FM Gaziantep + -R- Super FM 90.8 + -R- Metro FM 97.2 + -R- A?k FM + -R- Radyo ?ahin Kocaeli + -R- Radyo Ekin + -R- ?zgür Radyo Ankara + -R- Küpe FM + -R- Radyo Tatlises 97.7 + -R- Radyo Time 91.2 + -R- Radyo Spor 107.2 + R- Radyo Pink + -R- Radyo Vatan + -R- Müjde Ege + -R- Müjde Akdeniz + -R- Lale Gül FM 88.4 )
Freq Pol Mode: 12017 H
SR-FEC: 8150
( TGRT Türkiye + TGRT Haber + TGRT Pazarlama + -R- TGRT FM )
Freq Pol Mode:12652 H
SR-FEC: 22500
( Kral TV + Emlak TV + D Sinemax + D Max + D Plus + D Ye?ilçam + HaberTürk + D Cocuk + D Hipodrom TV + D Spor + R- Metro FM 97.2 + R- Super FM 90.8 + R- Radyo Habertürk )
Freq Pol Mode: 12680 H
SR-FEC: 8888
( Cine 5 + Supersport + Viva + Gala + -R- Show Radyo + -R- Radyo 5 + -R- Radyo Viva + -R- Radio Nostalji )
Freq Pol Mode:12680 H
SR-FEC: 8888
( Kanal Market + A+ Live )
Freq Pol Mode:12692 H
SR-FEC: 2800
( Azad TV Azarbaycan + -R- Azad Radio )
Freq Pol Mode:12731 V
SR-FEC: 3333
( Eurasiasat promo + -R- Radyo Mydonose )
Sirius 2-3 @ 5° East
Freq Pol Mode: 11747 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( Viasat
Viasat Xtra 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
TV 4 + Dolby tests )
Freq Pol Mode: 11766 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( TET + Novy Kanal + Glas + TRK Ukraina + TRK Ukraina + Rada Ukrainian Parliament Ch + 5 Kanal )
Freq Pol Mode: 11785 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( Viasat
Nordytt - V?sterbottensnytt - Mittnytt
G?vledala - V?rmlandsnytt - Tv?rsnytt
ABC-nytt - ?stnytt - V?stnytt
Sm?landsnytt - Sydnytt - SVT 2 - 24 )
Freq Pol Mode:11804 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( Viasat
TV 400 - Viasat Ticket 1 - Private Spice
MTV Nordic - Viasat History - Viasat Sport 2-3
TV 4 Plus - TV 4 Film )
Freq Pol Mode:11823 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( Viasat
DR 1 - DR 2 - TV 8 - CNN Int Europe
Viasat Explorer / Spice
Viasat Sport 1 Danmark - MTV Danmark
TV 1000 Russkoe Kino )
Freq Pol Mode:11843 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( Viasat
Perviy Baltijskyi kanal Estonia
Perviy Baltijskyi kanal Latvia
Perviy Baltijskyi kanal Lietuva
Ren TV Baltic - TV 1 + Perviy Baltijskyi Muzykalnyi Kanal
+ LTV 2 + TV 5 Latvia + Fan TV )
Freq Pol Mode:11862 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( Viasat
Yle 1 - Yle 2 - Yle FST - Yle 24
Yle Teema - MTV Europe
ZTV Sverige - Nelonen )
Freq Pol Mode:11881 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( Viasat
SVT 1 - SVT 2 - 24
SVT Extra - TV 1000 +1 + The God Channel Scandinavia + Kanal 10 )
Freq Pol Mode:11900 V
SR-FEC: 27500
Viasat Sport Baltic - Kanal 2)]
Freq Pol Mode:11938 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( Ses Sirius
TV 3 Latvia - 3+ Latvia - 3+ Eesti
TV 3 Eesti - TV 3 Lietuva - ETV Estonia
Tango TV - LNT Latvia - LTV 1 )
Freq Pol Mode:11958 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( Ses Sirius
TV 3 Latvia - 3+ Latvia - 3+ Eesti
TV 3 Eesti - TV 3 Lietuva - ETV Estonia
Tango TV - LNT Latvia - LTV 1 )
Freq Pol Mode:11977 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( Viasat
Nickelodeon / Nature Action / Playboy Plus
Viasat Sport 1 Sverige - BBC World - TV 3+
Hallmark - MTV Sweden - ZTV Norge
TV 1000 East - TV4 Fakta
Viasat Nature och Crime )
Freq Pol Mode:11996 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( Viasat
TV Chile - Spelkanalen - Sport N
Kanal 75 + Sirius Channel )
Freq Pol Mode:12034 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( Viasat
TV 1000 Plus One - TV 1000 Family
TV 1000 Nordic - TV 1000 Classic
VH1 Europe A - Zone Reality
Disney Ch - Toon Disney )
Freq Pol Mode:12054 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( Viasat
TV 3 Sverige - TV 3 Norge - TV 3 Danmark
TV 1000 - TV 1000 Action - TV 6 Sweden
Cartoon Network Nordic / TCM Nordic
Jetix Scandinavia / Travel Channel )
Freq Pol Mode:12092 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( Viasat
S?songskortet Fotboll 3 - 4 - 5
Playhouse Disney - Viasat Xtra 6
Aftonbladet TV 7 - TV 2 News )
Freq Pol Mode:12111 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( Romantica + test card +
ESPN Classic Sport Europe + Romantica +
Hustler TV Europe +
Blue Hustler Europe
(23-05 + Channel 6 Ireland
+ Global Draw Greyhounds + Travel Channel UK )
Freq Pol Mode:12149 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( Max TV
Hallmark Ch E.E - Euforia Lifestyle - TV Sport
AXN C.E - VH-1 - Antena 3 - MTV Romania
Prima TV - TVR 2 - TVR 1 - OTV
National Geographic Channel România
Realitatea TV - Etno TV - TVRM
AXN Sci-Fi )
Freq Pol Mode:12226 H
SR-FEC: 25540
( Animal Planet Europe + Discovery Channel Europe +
Animal Planet Mediterranean + Animal Planet Benelux
+ Discovery Channel Middle East +
Discovery Channel Benelux + Discovery Channel Poland
+ Discovery Travel & Living Europe +
Discovery Science + Discovery Civilisation
+ Animal Planet Poland + Discovery Channel Europe )
Freq Pol Mode: 12245 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( HD 1 + HD 5 promo + Exqi )
Freq Pol Mode: 12303 H
SR-FEC: 25548
( Discovery Channel Hungary + B4U Movies UK +
Zone Fantasy Italia + Discovery Channel Italia +
Cartoon Network Europe (06-21 + TCM Central Europe
+ Cartoon Network Italy + feed + CNBC Europe +
National Geographic Channel Nederland & Vlaanderen (12-06) )
Freq Pol Mode:12341 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( Max TV
Boomerang - B1 TV - Telesport
National - Cartoon Network - Cinemax C.E
Free X TV - X Dream TV - Animal Planet
Discovery Channel Europe - Antena 1
Pro TV - Acas? TV - Pro Cinema
TVR Cultural - HBO Romania & Bulgaria )
Freq Pol Mode:12380 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( SES Sirius
SVT Europa - NTV Mir - Viasat 3
Perviy kanal Vsemirnaya setj + SVT Europa + NTV Mir + Viasat 3
+ ATG feed + Perviy kanal Europa + SatGate )
Freq Pol Mode:12418 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( SISLink + SIS Intertrack Greyhound Racing +
SIS Euro Racing + SIS Racing Service + SIS Irish Racing )
هسبا سات
Freq Pol Mode: 11510 V
SR-FEC: 9550
( Overon
Punto TV - EFE feed )
Freq Pol Mode: 11535 V
SR-FEC: 24500
( Multicanal
Canal Hollywood - Odisea
Canal Panda - Canal Cocina
Canal de Historia - Canal Hollywood Por
Biography Channel - Sol M?sica )
Freq Pol Mode: 11577 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( TV Cabo
Discovery Turbo - Discovery Civilization
Discovery Science - MTV Music - MTV Base
MTV 2 - VH1 Classic - Nickelodeon - TCM
Sport TV 2 - Porto Canal )
Freq Pol Mode: 11615 H
SR-FEC: 27500
( Overon
Retelsat - AXN Portugal - Sivsa + Tu Tele Local + La Tele Local + VIT Channel + Triple X (00-06) + TV TeleLinea + Canal 53 + Cadena Local TV + La Tele Local 2 + Contacta M + Immo TV + Samaria Mediterraneo + Iberica TV )
Freq Pol Mode: 11617 V
SR-FEC: 27500
( TV Cabo
Sailing Channel - Zone Reality
Travel Channel - Baby TV - RTP N
ESPN Classic Sports - RTP Açores
Bloomberg TV Europe - SIC Comedia )
Freq Pol Mode: 11676 H
SR-FEC: 16190
( Overon
TV Canaria Canarias
TVE La Primera Canarias
TVE La 2 Canarias - Antena 3 Tenerife )
Freq Pol Mode: 11731 H
SR-FEC: 28126
( Overon
XTVL - Localia TV - Fox Portugal
Fox Life Portugal - Disney Channel Portugal
Canal 4 Castilla y Léon + TIAR test card +
Canal Català TV + Gigashopping TV + Canal Latino TV